
Raptor Guard Cross-Arm Insulating Covers

Raptor Guard Cross-Arm Insulating Covers

The RGCC-XX series was developed to provide an insulating barrier between two phases of Wye structures that did not have adequate clearance between phases. Larger birds such as raptors, ravens, and vultures were causing outages with phase to ground events while perching on the lower cross-arm and touching the phase above.


-Proprietary UV resistant Polymer compound
-All hardware included
-Secure even in high winds (> 100 mph) for sustained periods
-Custom made for your project needs
-69 kV systems and below
-90” of coverage (> 60” recommended

Product Number Description Box Qty
RGCC-84-6 84 inches of coverage on a 6″ wide cross-arm to order
RGCC-90-5 90 inches of coverage on a 5″ wide cross-arm to order
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