
Hubbell Heavy Duty Two-Pole Strain Carriers

Heavy Duty Two-Pole Strain Carriers (15,000 lb.)

Tested per OSHA & ASTM F711
Two-pole Strain Carriers relieve strain from an insulator string to permit removal from energized lines. Normally used on a single string of insulators, these carriers sometimes are used for multiple strings where conductor-end hardware permits attachment.

Available here as complete assemblies, separate components also may be ordered. For adjustable strain poles, see page 2253; for yokes, sockets and trunnions, see page 2255.

Yokes are fabricated from high-strength aluminum plate and include a steel chain assembly for anchoring the back plate to the structure. Conductor-end yoke includes a hook and a machined socket (C4011894).

Maximum load rating for each of the strain-carrier assemblies listed below is 15,000 lb. per insulator string.


-Two 2″-diameter Epoxiglas poles
-Yokes are 26″ wide on pole centers
-2-ft. adjustment in 6″ increments on five stainless-steel pins per pole
-12″-long Strain Jacks

Catalog Number Nominal Pole Length Min. Distance Between Yokes Max. Distance Between Yokes Weight, each assembly
C4012174 6 ft. 49″ 81″ 81 lb. / 36.45 kg.
C4012175 7ft. 59″ 93″ 83 lb. / 37.35 kg.
C4012176 8 ft. 74″ 108″ 85 lb. / 38.25 kg.
C4012177 10 ft. 95″ 129″ 89 lb. / 40.05 kg.
C4012216 12 ft. 113″ 147″ 95 lb. / 42.27 kg.
C4012178 14 ft. 146″ 180″ 97 lb. / 43.65 kg.
C4012179 18 ft. 191″ 225″ 105 lb. / 47.25 kg.
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