
Hold Down Blocks – HD-72 & HD-142

Hold Down Blocks – HD-72 & HD-142

The HD-72 and HD-142 Hold-Down Blocks are unique designs for use in heavy hold-down situations. Hold down line is connected to the shackle at the bottom of the frame.

To remove the block, tension is first relieved on the hold-down line, then the trip rope is pulled. This dumps the block and lets it hang from loop of trip rope. Block is then lowered to the ground without interruption of pulling operation or a climb required. Hold-down block is frequently used as a haul down for making sleeves. Wire is then eased back to normal position with the hold-down line, then tripped off the wire and lowered to the ground.


  • Available in ductile iron or steel frame.
  • Two 7″ or 14″ sheaves lined with Neoprene or Urethane.
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