
Fence Markers

The patented design was formulated to provide maximum contrast for approaching birds The profile is based on research that found contrast in low light conditions is the most important aspect in alerting birds of hard-to-see barbed wire fencing.


-UV resistant RPVC plus additional UV resistant black additive
-Fluorescent reflective yellow tape
-Unique “V” shape design for maximum contrast at all angles
-Easy snap on installation
-Withstands > 100 mph winds for sustained periods
-Size: .08” Thick by 2” wide x 4” tall
-Weight: 0.3 0z.

Product Number Description Wire Size Box Qty
BFD-050 Line marker for 0.20″-.56″ total diameter wire 6, 4, 3, 2, 1/0, 2/0, static, OPGW 50
BFD-075 Line marker for 0.57″-1.05″ total diameter wire 3/0, 4/0, and 266.8-666 mcm 50
BFD-075-HV BFD-075 for high voltage up to 240 kV 3/0, 4/0, and 266.8-666 mcm 50
BFD-150 Line marker for 1.08″-1.58″ total diameter wire 795 mcm – 1590 mcm 50
BFD-150-HD BFD-150 for high voltage up to 240 kV 795 mcm – 1590 mcm 50
BFD-AT Hot-stick and extending hot-stick attachment tool All Sizes 1
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