
MSA ALTAIR® 2X Gas Detector

MSA ALTAIR® 2X Gas Detector

All ALTAIR 2X Gas Detectors

  • Incorporate proven XCell® sensor technology
  • Enhance worker safety, compliance and traceability
  • Minimize cost of ownership
  • Demonstrate rugged durability
  • Features:

    Fastest sensor response times, lowest calibration gas flow rate on the market

  • > 4-year expected sensor life
  • 3-year warranty on instrument & most sensors (2 years on Cl2, NH3)
  • Stand-alone bump tests reduce maintenance, increase productivity (ALTAIR 2XP only)
  • 1 device can monitor 2 gases (ALTAIR 2XT only)]
  • Stand-alone bump test anytime, anywhere without specific calibration gas (ALTAIR 2XP only)
  • Bump pass: green LED flash every 15s, large on-screen checkmark
  • Bump fail or expiration: red LED flash every 15s, no checkmark
  • End-of-sensor-life warning and alarm
  • Records 75 alarm events
  • 150+ hours of periodic data (ALTAIR 2X and 2XP)
  • 100+ hours of periodic data (ALTAIR 2XT)
  • Compatible with MSA GALAXY® GX2 Automated Test System and MSA Link Pro software
  • Tough over-molded rubber armor
  • Survives multiple 25-ft drops onto concrete
  • Agency-certified dust- and water-tight IP67 construction
  • Intrinsically-safe design
  • Options:

  • ALTAIR 2XP Gas Detector with XCell Pulse Technology: H2S
  • ALTAIR 2X Gas Detectors: CO, CO-HC (High Concentration), CO-H2 (Hydrogen Resistant), H2S-LC, SO2, NO2, NH3 and Cl2
  • ALTAIR 2XT Two-Tox Gas Detector: CO/H2S, CO-H2/H2S, CO/H2S-LC, CO/NO2 and SO2/H2S-LC
  • Available in charcoal gray and glow-in-the-dark housing
  • Contact LineStar for alternate or custom setpoints
  • Part Number Description
    10153984 ALTAIR® 2XP, H2S-PULSE (10, 15), Charcoal
    10153985 ALTAIR® 2XT, SO2/H2S-LC (SO2: 2, 5; H2S: 10, 15), Charcoal
    10153986 ALTAIR® 2X, CO (25, 100), Charcoal
    10154040 ALTAIR® 2XT, CO/H2S (CO:25, 100; H2S: 10, 15), Charcoal
    10154071 Detector, ALTAIR 2XT, CO-H2/H2S, Gray
    10154072 Detector, ALTAIR 2XT, CO/H2S-LC, Gray
    10154073 ALTAIR® 2XT, CO/NO2 (CO: 25, 100; NO2: 2.5, 5), Charcoal
    10154074 ALTAIR® 2X, CO-H2 (25, 100), Charcoal
    10154075 ALTAIR® 2X, CO-HC (25, 100), Charcoal
    10154076 ALTAIR® 2X, H2S-LC (5, 10), Charcoal
    10154077 ALTAIR® 2X, SO2 (2, 5), Charcoal
    10154078 ALTAIR® 2X, NO2 (2.5, 5), Charcoal
    10154079 ALTAIR® 2X, NH3 (25, 50), Charcoal
    10154080 ALTAIR® 2X, CI2 (0.5, 1), Charcoal
    10154181 ALTAIR® 2XT, CO/H2S (CO:25, 100; H2S: 10, 15), Glow-In-The-Dark
    10154182 Detector, ALTAIR 2XT, CO-H2/H2S, Glow
    10154183 Detector, ALTAIR 2XT, CO/H2S-LC, Glow
    10154184 ALTAIR® 2XT, CO/NO2 (CO: 25, 100; NO2: 2.5, 5), Glow-In-The-Dark
    10154185 ALTAIR® 2X, CO (25, 100), Glow-In-The-Dark
    10154186 ALTAIR® 2X, CO-H2 (25, 100), Glow-In-The-Dark
    10154187 ALTAIR® 2X, CO-HC (25, 100), Glow-In-The-Dark
    10154188 ALTAIR® 2XP, H2S-PULSE (10, 15), Glow-In-The-Dark
    10154189 ALTAIR® 2X, H2S-LC (5, 10), Glow-In-The-Dark
    10154190 ALTAIR® 2XT, SO2/H2S-LC (SO2: 2, 5; H2S: 10, 15), Glow-In-The-Dark
    10154191 ALTAIR® 2X, SO2 (2, 5), Glow-In-The-Dark
    10154192 ALTAIR® 2X, NO2 (2.5, 5), Glow-In-The-Dark
    10157955 Detector, ALTAIR 2XP, H2S, Gray (Alternate Setpoints – Low: 5ppm, High: 10ppm)
    10157956 Detector, ALTAIR 2XP, H2S, Glow (Alternate Setpoints – Low: 5ppm, High: 10ppm)
    10162042 Detector, ALTAIR 2X, H2S STD, Gray
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