
Software From Impulse Radar

Condor – 3D GPR Processing & Interpretation Software

Acquiring data with Raptor is efficient as less time is spent in the field collecting data, which means you have more time to process. However, Condor offers further efficiencies that reduce the time spent on processing. Consequently, projects can be completed more quickly, which means you can take on more work. The data manager enables the practical and intuitive organization of information. The user has full control of views and outputs from the various processing stages, while the layer manager offers the same for interpretation procedures.

  • The user has a clear overview of the targets beneath, instantly, without further processing in an arbitrarily variable time window.
  • Completely preserves the resolution of the original data, both in depth and spatially.
  • Very fast, flipping between traditional slice-view and OspreyView is instant.
  • Supports precise picking of targets, including correct depth, from the top view only, while not interfering with the pickings in other views.
  • Does not require separate processing instances, no extra disk space needed.
  • Helps in detecting faint objects, minimizes the risk of missed targets.
  • Has a straightforward and intuitive user interface, no parameter-tweaking needed
  • CrossPoint – Visualisation Software

    The software is intuitive and easy-to-use and provides effective tools for filter assignment, data processing, marking points of interest, visualising profiles and markers in the site view – including online map support, and exporting markers for geo-referencing within suitable CAD/GIS environments.

    The software excels at simplifying the processing and mark-up of multi-line 2D GPR projects but is equally adept at supporting a single-line projects project. Compatible with the project modes in the ImpulseRadar ViewPoint acquisition App, CrossOver and PinPointR data sets can be processed quickly and efficiently. By viewing up to ten parallel profiles simultaneously, anomalies in the data can be more easily resolved, which makes for increased productivity.

    Profiles from Raptor surveys can be also be viewed, either individually, or together with all profiles in a single swath. This allows quick analysis of 2D data before import into the ImpulseRadar Condor 3D processing software.

    Colour-coded markers are used to indicate anomalies or points of interest within the data. These markers show up both in the radar profile as well as the site map. Once a project is complete, the markers (including profiles) can be exported for import into third-party drawing packages such as CAD, or into geographical information systems.

  • Supports ImpulseRadar 32-bit data formats, as well as 16-bit
  • View dual-channel data from CrossOver and PinPointR
  • Simultaneous comparison of up to 10 profiles
  • Support for both Lat./Long. and UTM coordinates
  • Support for Google Maps
  • Includes a range of common filtering routines
  • Export to ASCII, DXF, KML and KMZ
  • ViewPoint App

    ImpulseRadar ViewPoint is an Android data acquisition application (App) that controls ImpulseRadar CrossOver and PinPointR antennas. When installed on a suitable Android device (Smartphone or Tablet), ViewPoint enables wireless connectivity between the device and the GPR antenna.
    The modern and intuitive user interface is designed to maximize your in-field productivity with features and functionality to support your daily workflows. Collect single or multi-line projects with full control over profile lengths and spacing to suit actual site conditions and your specific subsurface investigation objectives.

  • Individual scans, single-line projects, and multi-line projects (dual-mode, reference line, or GPS)
  • Pre-set marker colour codes consistent with industry-standards for utilities to match paint-marks on the ground.
  • User-defined custom colour codes support other applications such as archaeological, environmental, geological, or geotechnical.
  • Channel selection
  • Depth and velocity fine-tuning
  • Marker assignment and placement
  • Data and map screenshots
  • Filter adjustment – background removal, gain and contrast
  • Automatic generation of KMZ files with profile locations, survey routes, marker information, and radargrams.
  • Open files in Google Earth™, ArcGIS, or other third-party software supporting this format.
  • The combination of internal GPS with Google Map integration allows you to observe profile locations, survey routes, and assigned markers in real-time alongside the radar data.
  • Connect a suitable external GNSS system for survey-grade positioning.
  • Talon – GPR Data Acquisition Software

    Talon is proprietary Windows-based software designed for the configuration and control of ImpulseRadar Raptor antennas for advanced 3D data acquisition. The design is deliberately geared toward quality control and quality assessment of both the GPR data and the positioning data during acquisition. Structuring the software in this way minimises the risk of you leaving the field with data that is corrupt or useless.

    Highly visible controls make system operation easy, while colour-coded status indicators show the correct operation of vital hardware components at a glance. This includes the condition of each measurement channel and the incoming positioning data, so that signal performance and proper operation can be monitored.

    Views can be toggled between the radar data acquisition screen or the navigation map view. To ensure optimum data acquisition, the navigation view is used to align measurement swaths correctly and to minimise gaps in the data. At the same time, colour-coded buttons will warn of any changes in the accuracy of positioning data during the measurement process.

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