
RJL Elbow Disconnect Tools

RJL Elbow Disconnect Tools

The patented RJL Elbow Disconnect Tools allow for easy removal of URD elbows on transformers and deadfront switchgear. Their heavy-duty construction provides long-term, reliable and safe operation. With models and lengths for 15KV, 25KV and 35KV applications, the RJL tools are effective on all makes and models of URD elbows.

Retractable vinyl coated jaws and a hook at the working end of the tool open up to access the elbow. Connecting the hook to the eye of the elbow allows for additional effort to remove the elbow. The jaws are then secured snugly around the elbow as the tool engages. The ratchet is engaged, and after a few clicks, the seal between elbow and junction is broken. Even those that have frozen in place over time are easily released.


• Tested safe at 100KV per foot
• Positive, full-controlled grip, even on elbows that stick
• Fits all known makes and sizes of elbows
• Coated grip end holds elbow without causing strain or breakage
• Ratchet mechanism allows for effortless release of frozen elbows
• Will not damage the semiconductor coating
• Available in 3-jaw configurations for 15KV and 25KV applications and 2-jaw configuration for 35KV applications
• Optional vinyl storage bag

Part # Description Tool Length Vinyl Storage Bag Part No.
70104 RJL-1981-6, 35KV Tool, 2-jaw 6′ 70117
70121 RJL-1981-8, 35KV Tool, 2-jaw 8′ 70116
70101 RJL-1967-5, 15KV & 25KV Tool, 3-jaw 5′ 70144
70102 RJL-1967-6, 15KV & 25KV Tool, 3-jaw 6′ 70117
70120 RJL-1967-8, 15KV & 25KV Tool, 3-jaw 8′ 70116
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