
Utility Solutions Tail Tamer™ – Temporary Conductor Clamp – USTT-001

Utility Solutions Tail Tamer™ – Temporary Conductor Clamp – USTT-001

Part # USTT-001

The Tail Tamer™ (patent pending) is a revolutionary lineman invention that safely controls conductors during construction and maintenance. It is a temporary, multi-purpose hot line clamp for stringing, cutting and connecting overhead conductors.


1.Safely hold back tail ends of conductors when stringing new wire. Current method is usually tape. ASTM’s 29 CFR 1910.269(l)(2)(i) states “The employee must have positive control . . .in order to be considered insulated from the energized parts.”

2.Safely cut slack conductors (up to 200 lbs. of tension between Clamp & Carabiner) while maintaining positive control of loose ends. ASTM’s 29 CFR 1910.269(l)(2)(i) states “. . . if an employee is cutting an energized conductor . . . the conductor would need to be maintained under positive control.

3.The Double Sided Clamp holds two conductors simultaneously. Easily attach parallel grove and crimp connectors.

4.Functions as a Temporary Parallel Groove Connector rated at 300 Amps.


-Double Sided Clamp
-Holds TWO Wires Simultaneously (#6 Copper up to 954 ACSR or 1.1” dia)
-Quick Release Clamp and Easy Grip Barrel
-Rated at 300 Amps
-Rated up to 200 lbs. between Clamp & Carabiner (w/ 5 times safety factor)
-High Strength Tether and Carabiner Connects to Each Other, Buckets, Belts and more
-Works as a single unit or in pairs
-Only 1.5 lbs

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